Monday, June 10, 2013

Frost Orthodontics . . . Again

We had the opportunity to cater for Dr. Frost Orthodontic's again on May 16th, 2013. 

We served (and they always request) Pulled pork, buns, Cowboy Beans, Potato Salad, and Watermelon. There was 45 people total. Jeff didn't want to bring the big smoker so he bought a 3 burner camp stove to cook on. It was perfect for this job.

The next day, Friday, May 17th, Jeff and Jeffery provided lunch again. They made beef and chicken fajitas with onions and peppers, served with a tortilla, Mexican rice, corn chips, cheese, salsa, sour cream, and a platter of strawberries and grapes with a delicious fruit dip.

DRHS Stuco Banquet

On Monday, May 6, 2013 Desert Ridge High School asked us to cater their Student Council end of the year banquet. It is held in the evening in their cafeteria.

On the menu was pulled pork with a bun, cowboy beans, potato salad, watermelon, and peach cobbler with ice cream. They supplied their own drinks but used our dispensers.

Cristian and Lauren's Open House

On April 20, 2013 we catered a small wedding open house for a young couple who had just been married, Cristian and Lauren. It was held in a family friend's back yard and they had it decorated really cute. They had a photo booth area and refreshments for guests to come and go. We focused on simple desserts: mini cupcakes, sheet cake, chocolate covered pretzels, mints and drinks.

Even though it was a small event, we put every effort into making sure things were done right and nice. It was a beautiful evening and everyone was happy!!

LDS Church Christmas Party

Dec. 15, 2012 was the LDS Church Christmas party and every year we are asked to cater it. We have our usual team of helpers - us, the Beckstead's and the Morris'.  We recruited Alyn, Bishop and Jeffery too. Jeff and I went shopping for all the food. The Bishop told us to plan for 350-400 people.

The menu was tri tip brisket, red potatoes, corn, salad and grilled bread. For dessert we did ice cream sundaes. We served family style which is something we started a few years ago. Every one loves it because it's fast, the food is hot and it's so much nicer than standing in a long buffet line.

This year it was pouring rain and freezing so the guys were outside cooking under canopies.

Inside the church kitchen we were getting everything ready to serve the 40 tables they had set up in the cultural hall. 

We served all the condiments in cups and put one on each table. We were able to have the whole room served all their food in about 10 minutes. We put all the food in tins and tinfoil. Each table got 5 tins of food and passed it around the table family style. They all love doing it this way.

This was the room before everyone showed up.

For dessert we served ice cream sundae's. We scooped all the ice cream into bowls and served it to the tables with all the toppings. They got to make their own sundae's the way they wanted. They LOVED this idea. And it was super easy for us too!

We love catering the church Christmas parties. We have done it for so many years that we have finally mastered it! 

400 people??? NO BIG DEAL. 

Field Day Crop Production Services

On Thursday, Oct. 25th, 2012 we catered a Field Day for Crop Production Services. This was a promotional event for the farmers promoting the seed company that they manufacturer and sell. It was literally in the middle of a corn field! It was fun to do something different and everyone raved about the food!

We served chicken legs and thighs, beef brisket, cowboy beans, potato salad, cole slaw, watermelon, rolls and dutch oven peach cobbler. Here go the pictures: